New Future Project!

Many farmers, in addition to chickens, also raised sheep and cattle before Da’esh (ISIS). SWIC’s Small Business Redevelopment Grant program will be expanding to also provide start-up funds to help reconstitute sheep and bull farms. These experienced farmers and ranchers were robbed of their livelihoods and sense of self. These Redevelopment Grants provide a new beginning of hope, genuinely empowering and restoring once-thriving families and communities.

Each sheep or cattle farm can be rebuilt for $13,000. We have farmers ready to resume operations upon funding. While the restart-up costs for sheep or cattle farms are similar to chickens, the markets for sheep and cattle products are more stable and fluctuate less than chicken markets.

“Sheep farming is extremely stable, without as many market fluctuations as smaller livestock. Each animal offers more products, meat, wool, etc., so a healthy flock guarantees an income for the farm family and community long into the future!” ~Hanna